Northern girl living the Southern dream

The Big Purple Cow

As promised, London is once again my favourite place on earth. 

Although big changes are happening for the girls and I, as we beginning looking for a new place. A lot less fun than it sounds. But with the first signs of good weather, and making the most of our current home, Pippa and I decided to head out for a few drinks (which of course lead to dinner) on the Southbank. 

If you've never been... you really should. The aptly named Southbank, on the Southern side of the River Thames, boasts a community of amazing street artists, creatvies and stunning river view restaurants. It is also home to the wonderful Globe Theatre, The Hayward Gallery and of course, The London Eye. But at the moment it is also home to the Udderbelly festival. Courtesy of E4, the Udderbelly hosts two months of comedy, music and performance all in the comfort of a giant upside down purple cow. Brilliant huh? 

If that doesn't sound like your thing, there is still the option of enjoying a drink in the gardens outside and just soak in the atmosphere. Which is exactly what we chose to do.

Said Big Purple Cow.

If anyone can figure this out please tell me.

We found the perfect backdrop!
Loving my new hat, courtesy of Camden Market!

The sun was out. And when the sun is out us girls drink Pimms. 

For any information on the line up and tickets for the Udderbelly festival, take a look here

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