Northern girl living the Southern dream

An afternoon at Marco Aldany

Anyone who knew me pre-London knows how much I adored my very blonde locks. I'd been incredibly blonde as a child and it entirely frustrated me that I developed this mousey blondey/brown colour as I got older, and always tried to hide it.

 I believe this is a snap from about 2000, excusing the terrible matching velvet trousers (on trend even aged six), we were a very blonde bunch...

... and to try and maintain this i would religiously bleach my hair to keep it like this!

I'm giggling at this picture even now. This was probably about two years ago, possibly even less. 

But when I moved to London I decided that the barbie blonde had to go, and I got my brunette locks tressed, finalising my transition from Cheshire girl to a young city woman. 

Then about a fortnight ago, I made the scary decision (any girl will relate to this, it is scary!) that I wanted to go blonde. 

Panic not, I will not be returning to the electric bleaching I was at at sixteen, but something a little more subtle. So I booked myself in at Marco Aldany. I'd passed it many times on Notting Hill gate, and was aware of the great reputation it had made since it launched its UK salons last year. 

After a patch test and consultancy I was made aware that I was embarking on a long process. Seven hours in the salon initially, and it would take at least three highlighting sessions over a four month period to achieve what I wanted. 

Perfect I said. 

So one free Thursday afternoon I sat down with Beana, my stylist, and she warned me not to look again for the next few hours, I was not going to like what I saw.

But that was never going to happen. 
Hour One: Beana seperates my hair to begin putting the foils through. We're going with three shades to keep it looking natural. I'm already bored.

 Hour four: The foils are finally complete and my head feels about two stone heavier. I'm apprehensive to say the least. 

 Hour five: The foils are coming out and I can see random chunks of blonde. I'm not sure this is the chic look I was going for. 

 Hour six: A chemical treatment of some kind is being put onto my hair while I sit in a state of delirium and fear. 

... And finally it was done! I couldn't be more thrilled with the colour and I'm even contemplating keeping it this way and not getting any lighter. Although I'm sure in a fortnight I'll have changed my mind. 

In the meantime, a huge thanks to the team at Marco Aldany for their talent, reassurance and patience.

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