Northern girl living the Southern dream

Honey I'm home!

Recently I got asked why people blogged.

I didn't know the answer. But then I got thinking about why I started blogging, aside from it being confirmation to my mum that I was still alive.

The truth is I love writing. It's possibly one of the nerdiest and uncool things to say, but I love words, I love using lots of words, and I love using them all the time. And when I moved to the city eighteen months ago there were a lot of things I didn't know. I didn't know you weren't supposed to shot the champagne in a pornstar martini, I didn't know that you had to stand on the right of elevators, and I didn't know Tinder was a thing. (I still don't think it is but hey, you can't argue with the masses). But I did know I wanted to move to London and I wanted to document every moment of it.

So I've promised I'm going to blog every day. Ok, maybe not every day, but as much as I can. And not just about the wonderful places I haunt, but the discoveries I make along the way.

So let me catch you up on the last month…

I packed up my bags and left London for festive frolics back in the country. And my was it good to be home. Aside from the eating and drinking, and there was plenty of that to be done, the season was filled with log fires, lights and laughter. The perfect winter combination.

As well as Christmas and New Years, the Holtham family celebrated another festivity, Emily's 21st. Laden with bottle upon bottle of champagne, we were joined by 60 friends and family for a heavy evening of celebration and reminiscing. It is so crazy to think that sib is now a grown up (sort of). But what better way to toast this than with endless wine and Alan in a teal bow tie. 

This is a new face I've started pulling. It says, "please don't take my wine".

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