I hate virals. I hate hashtags. And I hate girls using the falsity that they care about something when actually all they're interested in is self-promotion.
So when the #nomakeupselfie began, I had no interest in getting involved.
But just over a week since the viral frenzy began, over £8 million has been raised for Cancer Research, making it the biggest accidental charity fundraiser in history. So I had to do some rather apologetic digging. Turns out the trend was started by a young woman from Stoke-on-Trent, a mere twenty minutes from the quiet Cheshire town where I grew up. It was a nod of admiration towards legendary 81 year old actress Kim Largo, who had been criticised for her own makeup less selfies in the press.
Within 24 hours of posting her own selfie, and donating her £3 to Cancer Research, Fiona Cunningham had managed to create a frenzy among social networkers, and raise £1million pounds for the charity.
And a week later, I realised I had been wrong. While it can be argued that women should not have to bare their insecurities to raise awareness for cancer, the £8million raised will help towards changing hundreds of lives. And no one can argue with that. We have all been affected in some way by Cancer.
But this campaign reminds me that with confidence and unity we can fight anything.
So here is my apologetic, carefree #nomakeupselfie.
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