Northern girl living the Southern dream

Kimmy K [does not] cover Paper magazine

Some of the most successful magazine covers have been controversial.

One of the bestselling Vogue UK covers was when Alexandra Shulman decided to put a mirror on the cover of the millennium issue, making every one of her readers the cover star, and Lady Gaga's gun bra back in the height of her controversy reign was one of Rolling Stones highest circulating. So really, this wasn't that surprising at all.

I mean, it's not like we haven't seen it before. If you cast your mind back to 2010… 

It's not the first time camera-shy Kimmy has got naked for the cover of a magazine, or for any form of media. We needn't be reminded her rise to fame comes from the adult film industry. Yes I think the pictures are tacky and distasteful and all images photoshopped to such an extreme nature do is encourage young girls to think they can have a size 22 inch waist and a derrière with the circumference of two of the netballs they're inevitably still being forced to throw at one another twice weekly. But I've got to stop all the extreme feminists out there saying this is derogatory to women and lacking in self respect. Because, well because it isn't. Once again, Kim Kardashian takes the media world to a new level, redefining body confidence and what it is to have a "model" figure. And if it takes one product of the media to balance a glass of champagne on her derriere and drop her dress to her knees, then so be it. 

And whether she was paid or not, or if you think she looks like a centaur or not, but I bet very few people had heard of Paper magazine before this week. 

Mission accomplished Kim. 

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