Northern girl living the Southern dream

Home Sweet Home

Anyone who knows me well knows how excited I was to move house. Don't get me wrong, last years home provided the perfect transitional pad for the girls and I to begin our London adventure. But from the second I stepped through the door at the new flat I knew he was the one.

And finally, three months later, we're moving in. It doesn't seem like two minutes since I was moving to London for the very first time, so its crazy to think we're moving into our second home in the city. But the place really is the ultimate girls pad.

At first it looked cold and not very homey, but a coffee machine and clothes rail later, it was looking just right. I thought I'd share a few first night snaps but I'm confident you'll be seeing plenty more of this little guy as the year continues.

Let the champagne showers in the kitchen and the afternoon tea on the balcony commence...

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